Tuesday, July 01, 2008


"Writers are people who write. By and large, they are not happy people. They're not good at relationships. Often they're drunks. And writing -- good writing -- does not get easier and easier with practice. It gets harder and harder -- so eventually the writer must stall out into silence. The silence that waits for every writer and that, inevitably, if only with death (if we're lucky the two may happen at the same time: but they are still two, and their coincidence is rare), the writer must fall into is angst-ridden and terrifying - and often drives us mad. (In a letter to Allen Tate, the poet Hart Crane once described writing as "dancing on dynamite.") So if you're not a writer, consider yourself fortunate".

(Este texto lo encontré en el blog de Gaiman. Aunque él no lo escribió, si lo comentó, y agregó que al menos él no era un borracho...)
Escribir hasta que no se tenga nada más que decir; eventualmente llegar al silencio, que puede o no coincidir con la muerte.

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